Quality, safety and sustainability
ISO 9001:2015 and SQAS
Our customer’s needs and requirements are our first priority, and our extensive range of transport options means that we have a solution for almost all transport requests. This means we can guarantee the quality and reliability of our services. And we do that by making clear agreements and keeping the lines between the customer and the planning team as short and as personal as possible. To maintain our high standards for quality and customer satisfaction, we have earned ISO 9001 and SQAS certifications.
Hygiene Code for Transport and Storage
De Wit Transport assumes responsibility for doing everything in their power to safeguard hygiene and food safety when transporting and/or storing goods and materials. In order to guarantee this, we comply with the Hygiënecode Transport en Opslag (Hygiene Code for Transport and Storage) (Evofenedex).
Paychecked in Transport
We are also proud to report that since 2018 we have been awarded the “PayChecked in Transport” label. This quality label is a supplement to the Chain Liability for Wage Payments provision that is included in the Labour Market Fraud (Bogus Schemes) Act (Wet Aanpak Schijnconstructies (WAS)) for the transport sector and for expediters. The goal of this quality label is to limit the risks to consignors who conclude a transport contract with a carrier that is based in the Netherlands.